The New Players' Tribune
Welcome to the next phase of The Players’ Tribune.
Last October, when we first launched The Tribune, we began an experiment in providing a trusted platform for athletes to tell their stories their way. Four months later, that experiment has become the foundation of what I’d hoped for, and more. There was Blake Griffin’s insightful story about working for Donald Sterling. Danica Patrick letting us inside the life of a NASCAR driver. Russell Wilson confessing to being a bully when he was younger—and then telling us about the foundation he’s built to fight domestic violence.
As we expanded we revealed a wide spectrum of quality content: CJ McCollum’s incisive inside-the-game analysis; Jason Collins’ thoughtful and candid columns on race and gender; Kobe Bryant’s brilliant and courageous 60-second video that revealed what it’s like to get the news of a devastating injury. And it turns out you can find a math genius on the Ravens offensive line (John Urschel).
We’ve started a community of athletes that is pretty special. And now it’s time to take it up a notch. More content, more distribution channels, more fresh ways of telling our stories our way. Podcasts, digital video, Sirius radio, plus much more of the kinds of stories we’ve already been telling.
We’ve demonstrated what athletes can do when given the chance to express themselves. Now it’s time to push that opportunity to the limit.