The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartz on over-scouting:
There are now 2 scouting reports of 6th grade football players. They scout them in elementary school games? lol. That’s crazy
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
My 6th grade scouting report would have been “Can’t jump, too slow to play basketball and too fat to pitch” I would have been ruined. haha
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
Or possibly … “Needs to roll his H’s better while practicing his Torah portion for Bar Mitzvah. No future in Hebrew”
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) February 17, 2015
Patriots wide receiver Danny Amendola on foreign customs:
Precisely Amsterdam. pic.twitter.com/hMF1f4kRj4
— Danny Amendola (@DannyAmendola) February 18, 2015
We’re not sure what country Dolphins linebacker Cameron Wakeis in…:
Just in case you aren't completely satisfied with the ones you have. pic.twitter.com/EQloGkSdu4
— Mr. Wake (@Kold91) February 17, 2015
Women’s tennis player Genie Bouchard on keeping up with the times:
What does something 'on fleek' mean? Starting to feel old... ?
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 18, 2015
Nuggets forward Danilo Gallinarii s taller than Pitbull:
Lets do it @pitbull pic.twitter.com/9ZQVJGlxb8
— DANILO GALLINARI (@gallinari8888) February 18, 2015
Suns guard Isaiah Thomas on Floyd Mayweather‘s hoop game:
The champ @FloydMayweather has hoop game too. Better watch out! pic.twitter.com/QoihoKSGBK — Isaiah Thomas (@Isaiah_Thomas) February 18, 2015
NFL tight end Tom Crabtree taking a stand on the tough issues:
I don't like to get all political on here but i'm really against murderous, self-aware robots from the future. Sorry guys, had to be said.
— Tom Crabtree (@itsCrab) February 18, 2015
NASCAR driver Brad Keselowskion dancing pups:
Still laughing at this video @epaigewhite showed me- http://t.co/TnjSiU3hCn
— Brad Keselowski (@keselowski) February 18, 2015
They dance better than I do! ☺️??
Former NFL linebacker Shawne Merrimanis on cleanup duty:
I love animals but if I find out which 1 went thu my garbage last night PETA won't be calling me back for a second ad pic.twitter.com/sNV10LZz2L
— Shawne Merriman (@shawnemerriman) February 17, 2015
Rams defensive end Chris Long on late-night food runs:
I used to think heartburn was a joke. Then I ate 3 pizza lunchables and drank a bunch of beers. It lasted for 4 days. I’m not laughing now. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015
Talk to your doctor about Prilosec if you’ve been eating pizza lunchables. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015
Maybe my issue was that I skipped the Capri sun. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015
I’ve had some pretty gross meals late night. Pizza lunchables doesn’t wait to destroy the lining of your esophagus. It gets started NOW. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015
I eat like a bird most days but if I’m going to tell the cab driver to stop at 7-11 after 1AM its going to get ugly. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015
In college I lived near a 7-11…. Every time it was those 7-11 taquitos. I’d get six of them and call it a night. 21 y/o metabolism. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) February 18, 2015