The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Retired NFL defensive end Marcellus Wiley and more on Ronda Rousey’s 14-second submission:
14 seconds!!! Any other ladies at Staples wanna fight? @RondaRousey ain't tired#UFC184
— Marcellus Wiley ? (@marcelluswiley) March 1, 2015
Team Rous-.......Oh she already won before I finished that thought?....#TheBestThereIs@RondaRousey
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) March 1, 2015
@RondaRousey THE REALEST! I opened my bag of popcorn, and it was over, before it started! #teamrousey #minnesotaarmbar #sheadawg
— Plaxico Burress (@plaxicoburress) March 1, 2015
Rousey has everyone mad like them old Tyson fights ? #dontblink
— Glenn Dorsey (@GlennDorsey72) March 1, 2015
I wanna see @RondaRousey fight against some men.. She beats these women to easy #UFC184
— Bruce Miller (@BruceMill49er) March 1, 2015
Tip: if you're fighting Rhonda you might just want to cut your arms off so the fight will be fair #YeahThatWillShowHer
— Justin Forsett (@JForsett) March 1, 2015
Ok sooo the time from me buying the fight to watch from ufc tv app to end of fight had to be a legit 3 min... ?
— Marquette King (@MarquetteKing) March 1, 2015
Poker player Phil Iveyon the unflappable Kobe:
Can't bluff @kobebryant #NBA https://t.co/RTqzKUnSn6
— Phil Ivey (@philivey) March 1, 2015
Dodgers pitcher Brett Andersonon saying “cheese”:
"My expression rarely/if ever changes, so now that we've cleared that up...take the picture."- Me today.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) February 28, 2015
NFL running back DeAngelo Williamson being careful what you wish for:
This happened at the camp today to a reporter that tried his hand at it!!! http://t.co/dq0bjmy4yK
— DeAngelo Williams (@DeAngeloRB) February 28, 2015
Padres first baseman Cody Deckeron money management:
I just saved 15% or more on my car insurance...... By fleeing the scene.....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) February 28, 2015
Giants wide receiver Ramses Bardenon playing it cool:
Some woman gave me the sexy eyes in the car today and made me spill my drink. #fail
— Ramses Barden (@RamsesSHINES) February 27, 2015
PGA golfer Hunter Mahanneeds help:
Worst Olaf ever? #daughtermightcry pic.twitter.com/pPMrGSWKOr
— Hunter Mahan (@HunterMahan) February 27, 2015
White Sox outfielder Adam Eatonon why Twitter exists:
People will literally argue anything...
— Adam Eaton (@AdamSpankyEaton) February 27, 2015