The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Rams defensive end Chris Long on being forced back in time:
Broke my phone last night and I’ve been rocking a flip phone all day. Takes me six minutes to complete a text message and it’s got tetris. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) March 30, 2015
Back in the flip phone days life was so simple. Sometimes I wish we could go back %fliplife — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) March 30, 2015
Plus there’s no more y2kish sound than hearing a flip phone snap shut. Maybe hearing AOL boot up. Or a door shut in a chat room. — Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) March 30, 2015
Seahawks punter Jon Ryanon doppelgängers… sort of:
If josh duhamel ever went on a wicked drunken coke bender he would look like Adam Morrison the next morning #NCAA pic.twitter.com/LPDtZWy5LN
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) March 29, 2015
Colts offensive lineman Anthony Castonzoon finishing the job:
The good news: did about 8 loads of laundry and no longer have any dirty clothes. The bad news: I now have 8 loads of clean clothes 2 fold
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) March 29, 2015
Women’s tennis player Coco Vandewegheneeds #GeekSquad:
I have just realized that I haven't had to set up a computer since I was a freshman in high school. Can't say I know what the heck I'm doing
— CoCo Vandeweghe (@CoCoVandey) March 30, 2015
Giants offensive lineman Geoff Schwartzon Yasiel Puig’s cannon:
I might dislike Puig but he's so talented. He threw a ball from about 30 ft to the wall, on the line, spun and hit 3rd base on the fly. ?
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) March 29, 2015
Here's that Puig throw. Unreal “@Dodgers: Public Service Announcement: pic.twitter.com/HgnWU2MUMu”
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) March 29, 2015
…and on getting props from the enemy:
The @Dodgers just fav'ed my last tweet. They must not have read my bio.
— Geoff Schwartz (@geoffschwartz) March 29, 2015
Dolphins wide receiver Kenny Stillson taking chances:
yesterday was a huge day for me. bought my first pair of "real" sunglasses. how long until I lose them?
— Kenny Stills (@KSTiLLS) March 29, 2015
Jon Ryan on potentially marriage-ending disagreements:
I was eating gummy bears with my fiancé. She said "the yellow ones are my favorite." WTF? Apparently I'm marrying a terrorist. #redsthebest
— Jon Ryan (@JonRyan9) March 30, 2015
Former NBA forward Brian Scalabrine, man of the people:
Giving the people HOPE!! https://t.co/p9q75JyiDe pic.twitter.com/5Qt6Cajhj4
— Brian Scalabrine (@Scalabrine) March 29, 2015
Former NFL linebacker Takeo Spikeson film study:
Is it such a thing as a blind date when we now have social media??? ?
— Takeo Spikes, M.B.A (@TakeoSpikes51) March 30, 2015
Giants linebacker Mark Herzlichon #Winning:
It's the best ever when you request an @Uber and an SUV shows up
— Mark Herzlich (@MarkHerzlich) March 30, 2015
The Chirpdisclaimer, brought to you by Pistons guard Brandon Jennings:
Social Media is Dangerous — BRANDON JENNINGS (@BrandonJennings)March 29, 2015