The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Warriors guard and Andre Iguodala on excused absences:
Clippers guard Jamal Crawfordon how it’s always Hammer Time somewhere:
Warriors center Andrew Boguton championship poses:
Heading back to the bay!!! #godubs
- Andrew Bogut (@andrewbogut) June 17, 201
Hey, @StephenCurry30 with the Pot (trophy) boy…… #gotem
- Andrew Bogut (@andrewbogut) June 17, 20
Lakers guard Kobe Bryanton degrees of knowledge:
Yes,Baron Davis:
Former NFL running back Brandon Jacobs on The LeBron Debate, continued:
Bengals running back Jeremy Hill on a picture worth 140 characters:
Mavs forward Dirk Nowitzki and Clippers forward Ekpe Udoh on #RainProblems:
Cubs outfielder Dexter Fowleron good omens:
- Dexter Fowler (@DexterFowler) June 17, 2
Former NFL safety Ryan Clarkon sliding scales:
Dodgers pitcher Brett Andersonon perspective:
…and wipeouts:
Jaguars tight end Julius Thomas explains the universe:
With the weather, here’s London Fletcher:
NFL kickerJay Feelyon family matters:
Bears guard Kyle Long and more on guilty pleasures:
I never rank The Fifth Element in my top movies list, but I always watch it when it is on.
- Kyle (@Ky1eLong) June 18, 2015
Bruh @taylorswift13 has hits #straightfire
- Torrey Smith (@TorreySmithWR) June 18, 2
And finally, Blazers guard Damian Lillardon #ThatFeeling When you get the big follow: