The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Mystics guard Kalana Greene on the new $10 bill:
If they put Phillis Wheatley on the $10 bill I'm only going to the $10 ATM's in the hood.
— Kalana Greene (@theladykg) June 18, 2015
49ers running back Reggie Bushon meeting USWNT midfielder Megan Rapinoe:
@mPinoe great meeting you last night and congrats on the win! Keep it going ladies the whole country is behind you ?? pic.twitter.com/QIsmRZUdl8
— Reggie Bush (@ReggieBush) June 18, 2015
Padres first baseman Cody Deckeron prized possessions:
Does this light saber collection make me look single?....
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) June 18, 2015
Bucks forward John Hensonand Rams defensive end Chris Longon favorite songs:
Momma by Kendrick Lamar is honestly one of my more favorite songs EVER. Sheesh.
— John Henson (@Johnhenson31) June 18, 2015
Purple rain…. How elite is that song
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
Beast of Burden also so effing elite…
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
But Gimme Shelter is the goat from RS
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
Springsteen I’m fairly certain it’s I’m on Fire and Something in the Night
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
Former NBA guard Doron Lambon fair-weather friends:
It's crazy when I need people to put in work with me nobody is around. But when I say lets go out everybody on deck SMH
— Doron Lamb (@DLamb20) June 18, 2015
Tigers pitcher David Priceand Angels pitcher C.J. Wilson on dressing for the job you want:
Miggy batting gloves (404 hrs) and pujols bat (539 hrs) and my gangster js!!! I gotta step up... pic.twitter.com/HS2I71Z0Le
— David Price (@DAVIDprice24) June 17, 2015
@DAVIDprice14 gonna look fly laying down a sac bunt!
— C.J. Wilson (@str8edgeracer) June 17, 2015
. @str8edgeracer I'll show you where I hit my longest homer at comerica when yall come...you will be impressed to say the least!!
— David Price (@DAVIDprice24) June 18, 2015
Former NBA guard Jordan Crawfordon practice makes perfect:
Baseball mangers have to practice there rants in the mirror!! They be classic ?
— Jordan Crawford (@jcraw55) June 18, 2015
PGA golfer Sergio Garcia and more on the U.S. Open:
I think a championship of the caliber of @usopengolf deserves better quality green surfaces that we have this week but maybe I'm wrong!
— Sergio Garcia (@TheSergioGarcia) June 18, 2015
If my problem is saying what everyone thinks but they don't have the guts to say it, then I'm guilty of that for sure
— Sergio Garcia (@TheSergioGarcia) June 18, 2015
And I’m the most basic casual golf fan there is. I Hope Tiger will return to Y2k form soon.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
The fairways look weird in the Pacific Northwest pic.twitter.com/igAph3pzsF
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
Classy by Rickie after an 81 to do that interview. Dude is a stud, and handled that like a pro. #USOpen2015 #refreshing
— Aaron Rodgers (@AaronRodgers12) June 19, 2015
Mickey Mouse golf.....can be fun to watch!
— Chipper Jones (@RealCJ10) June 18, 2015
Clippers guard Jamal Crawford on forgetfulness:
People forget how good KD is..
— ? Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) June 19, 2015
IndyCar driver Sage Karamon important purchases:
When in @target pic.twitter.com/IHapFLTIui
— Sage Karam (@SageKaram) June 19, 2015
Pistons guard Spencer Dinwiddieon late passes:
I may be late but @chicoBean mini freestyles bout Nicki Minaj were hilarious on Wild N Out!! ?????
— Spencer Dinwiddie (@SDinwiddie_25) June 18, 2015
Tigers pitcher David Priceon picking favorites:
You are my moms favorite athletes favorite athlete!!! And you definitely live up to your Twitter handle @DatDudeBP !! pic.twitter.com/BFsJhlI0jl
— David Price (@DAVIDprice24) June 19, 2015
And finally, Rams defensive end Chris Longon miracles of science—and patience:
Approaching 4 hours at the airport including 45 minutes on the runway. a 2 hour flight ahead of me. I haven’t had a drink. Miracle or shame?
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015
I don’t even get that mad at airlines. I asked to fly 1000 miles in a metal tube around hundreds of other metal tubes. It can’t be simple.
- Chris Long (@JOEL9ONE) June 19, 2015