The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Grizzlies guard Tony Allen with perhaps the finest social media offering that The Chirp has, and possibly ever will, see:
Kodak Moment , Got to Love em, ?? pic.twitter.com/wtuOwdHs8e
— Tony Allen (@aa000G9) December 28, 2014
Retired NBA player Jerry Stackhouseon Jim Harbaugh’s exit from San Francisco:
Every coach should hope to 1day being fired how Harbough was. Great job awaiting, players that respect you & played their ass off ur last gm
— Jerry Stackhouse (@jerrystackhouse) December 29, 2014
Former NFL wide receiver Donte Stallworth points out a regrettable error:
How dare John Harbaugh leave the Ravens to coach at UM -- they just made the playoffs yesterday! I'm disappointed. pic.twitter.com/gSl5tKZBfk
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 29, 2014
…And the confusion continues:
The best part of my morning by far has been trolls on my timeline at me for confusing the two Harbaugh brothers in my last tweet - by far.
— Donté Stallworth (@DonteStallworth) December 29, 2014
Former NBA player Bernard Jameswith his opinion on areport:
Is Michael Jordan really coming back? If he suits up for real guarantee he averaging 20. — Bernard James (@BernardJame5) December 29, 2014
Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollumwith a sadly accurate analysis on the Browns season:
Another season in the books for my browns. We performed how we normally do..Whatever that means. Look forward to next year an the 11th pick
— CJ McCollum (@CJMcCollum) December 28, 2014
Former NFL punter Chris Kluweonch-ch-ch-changes:
— Cassandra, Irredeemable Pudgy Nobody (@ChrisWarcraft) December 29, 2014
Women’s tennis player and future librarian (possibly actress?) Victoria Azarenka:
Is there a job like professional book reader? Who does multiple voices and accents... #wondering
— victoria azarenka (@vika7) December 29, 2014
MLB pitcher Brett Anderson on the airport grind:
I sweat more from arriving at an airport and getting to my gate than I do any other physical activity.
— Brett Anderson (@_BAnderson30_) December 28, 2014
Skier Simon Dumont on… oh geez that looks terrible:
I ran into a bee's nest yesterday exploring a cave. It sucked!! pic.twitter.com/WEIvTEx1Wl
— Simon Dumont (@SimonDumont06) December 29, 2014
Former NBA playerJulius Hodgeon making sweet love to your dreams:
I don't get ppl who lack assertiveness. This is life: have a dream, chase it, catch it, make sweet love to it. REPEAT. REPEAT. REPEAT.
— Julius Hodge (@Follow24Hodge) December 29, 2014
Dodgers pitcher Brandon McCarthyon the final week of the NFL season:
it's cute that these guys are still playing considering my fantasy leagues are done
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) December 28, 2014
And finally, MMA star Felice Herrig makes her pitch for starring in Her 2:
I like having conversations with Siri
— Felice Herrig (@feliceherrig) December 28, 2014