The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Long snapper Matt Overton and other Colts on the cold in Indy:
Forecast: Cold as shit!!!! pic.twitter.com/gseQkrC8Ie
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) January 7, 2015
This is that "freeze ur nostrils while walking to ur car" kinda cold. A whole different genre
— Anthony Castonzo (@AnthonyCastonzo) January 7, 2015
Mother Nature needs a hug I think pic.twitter.com/olCrFBN02D
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) January 8, 2015
Rams defensive endcChris Long is making the best of the cold snap:
Good morning St Louis. What a beautiful day. pic.twitter.com/hJKOsXlgOw
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 8,
Cardinals defensive lineman and FSU alum Darnell Dockett using the cold to recruit:
@BraxtonMiller5 FSU or nah? Come on over bro, it's cold in ohio, hit my DM I'll make sure U good! We need U!
— DARNELL DOCKETT (@ddockett) January 7, 2015
Former NFL running back Ryan Grant is too cold to tweet:
It is so damn cold now. That's all I have for you .
— Ryan Grant (@RyanGrant25) January 8, 2015
Women’s tennis player Victoria Azarenka is keeping a little too warm:
why do I have to drink my hot chocolate so damn hot that I burn my mouth every time #thinkingoutloud
— victoria azarenka (@vika7) January 7, 2015
Clippers guard Jamal Crawford‘s son is trash-talking with Kobe Bryant:
Funny story 2nite.. My son JJ asked me if Kobe could come over to the house so he could dunk on him. Then he told Kob, and Kob said ( cont)
— ? Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) January 8, 2015
" I like that attitude, but I'm gonna post you up. Then JJ told him "he's gonna cross him over" it ended with this. pic.twitter.com/ktIBJd8BAw
— ? Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) January 8, 2015
Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown on the true relevance of the Pro Bowl:
Rt if I should attend pro-bowl ; fav if I should take a Vacation ! #FanChoice
— AB (@AB84) January 8, 2015
Padres minor league first baseman Cody Decker is just being a good friend:
It's midnight. I'm with my buddy @cmouse47 (I only mention this because he said he needed followers). Oh, there is no point to this tweet...
— Cody Decker (@Decker6) January 8, 2015
NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson on the best part of training:
FYI: The best part of getting ready for a Triathlon is when coach says. "It's time to start carb loading". @TRiYonPerf #70.3 @HITSTriSeries
— Jimmie Johnson (@JimmieJohnson) January 7, 2015
Twins pitcher Phil Hughes is starting a hate campaign:
@Twins_morsecode my anti raisin campaign is a nonprofit organization.
— Phil Hughes (@PJHughes45) January 7, 2015
Found my slogan pic.twitter.com/m0ZwazYae1
— Phil Hughes (@PJHughes45) January 8, 2015
Former WNBA player Liz Cambage on that empty feeling:
lost with out my weave
- Elizabeth Cambage (@ecambage) January 8,
Retired Braves third baseman Chipper Jones on clueless fans:
I love sitting next to a guy in the airport with Braves hat and jersey on. Then he makes eye contact and..............nothin! #makesmelaugh
— Chipper Jones (@RealCJ10) January 7, 2015
I looked in his eyes, he had no idea!!!
— Chipper Jones (@RealCJ10) January 7, 2015
Ok so I lean over and say, 'who's ur fav player?' He says, 'Chipper Jones'. I go,'Really?' 'Really????' He double takes n says, 'Holy Shit!'
— Chipper Jones (@RealCJ10) January 7, 2015