The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Rams defensive end Chris Long on flopping:
Like a scene from the sixth man https://t.co/daZKGVBVNQ
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 15,
NFL defensive end Adam Carriker on slang:
As a society, I hope we left the term #bae in 2014.
— Adam Carriker (@AdamCarriker94) January 14, 2015
Former NFL wide receiverChad Johnsondoesn’t discriminate:
A woman of age just kissed me after I said "I Love You" in passing, this #LoveMovement is working even though she was 75...
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) January 14, 2015
Retired U.S. Soccer forwardTaylor Twellmanpondering life’s great questions:
Why is it called "cole slaw"?! #DeepThoughts
— Taylor Twellman (@TaylorTwellman) January 14, 2015
Colts long snapper Matt Overton on #neckbeard:
The beard is even better in real life .... Im embarrassed at my genetic inability to grow one. pic.twitter.com/wsAXPHHEIH
— Matt Overton (@MattOverton_LS) January 14, 2015
Chris Longon expiration dates:
Let’s say hypothetically someone used a shower gel from 2008 tonight… Do these products expire? Asking for a friend.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 15,
My friend feels better. Thank you.
- Christopher Long (@JOEL9ONE) January 15,
Former MLB sluggerJose Cansecoon the importance of Jose Canseco:
Celebrity apprentice was way better with me in it @ApprenticeNBC . Just saying . Too bad I had to leave on my own
— Jose Canseco (@JoseCanseco) January 15, 2015
Women’s tennis playerMaria Sharapovaand former NBAer Metta World Peaceon exotic animals:
Dear Sinnamon from @BrisbaneTennis, please don't be jealous of the @AustralianOpen Koala pic.twitter.com/pFiqTokVfp
— Maria Sharapova (@MariaSharapova) January 15, 2015
Panda was scared from the earth quake. I wish I had a pet panda https://t.co/q8ul3P2I0C pic.twitter.com/dIxAQ4HZHz
- MettaWorldPeace.com (@MettaWorldPeace) J
UFC lightweight Mitch Clarke on selective friendship:
Can't we all just get along? Except mouth breathers, no one's getting along with you
— Mitch Clarke (@MitchClarkeMMA) January 15, 2015
Former Rutgers defensive linemanEric LeGrandon Twitter tells:
You can tell a lot about somebody when you see their recently used emojis ???
— Eric LeGrand (@EricLeGrand52) January 14, 2015
Redskins safety Ryan Clark on life beforeThe Chirp:
Trying to figure out how I kept up with the world before twitter
— Ryan Clark (@Realrclark25) January 15, 2015