The Chirp
This is The Chirp, your all-inclusive look at the best observations, jokes and photos that athletes have recently shared on social media. Because while not every story can be told in 140 characters… some can:
Saints tight end Ben Watson on President Obama:
Pistons guard Spencer Dinwiddieon Presidential swag:
Dodgers pitcher Brett Anderson on the State of the Union address:
Colts punter Pat McAfeeon #DeflateGate:
Texans defensive end J.J. Wattstriking a pose:
Texans cornerback Charles Jameson being left out:
Clippers guard Jamal Crawford on clueless fans:
NFL defensive end Michael Sam on Cryo:
Raptors forward Patrick Patterson celebrating the little things:
LPGA golfer Morgan Pressel on dedication:
Seahawks punter Jon Ryan is late for Happy Hour:
Former NFL fullback Vonta Leach, #can’twait, and neither can we:
#cantwait #feb2
- VontaLeach44 (@vleach44) January 21, 201
49ers offensive linemanAnthony Davisis dreaming big:
I want a BeatBoxing African Grey Parrot. He has to have every beat on MBDTF By. K. West memorized. $20k is my ceiling. lol #CoolStoryBam
- Bam Davis (@BamDavis_) January 21, 2015
Manny Pacquiaofiring shots atFloyd Mayweather:
I can easily beat @FloydMayweather, I believe that.
- Manny Pacquiao (@MannyPacquiao) January
If you really care about the fans, you will fight. If you care about yourself… you won’t fight. #MannySmile
- Manny Pacquiao (@MannyPacquiao) January
Everyone had me as a big underdog to @OscarDeLaHoya too. If @FloydMayweather fights me boxing will get an even bigger upset victory.
- Manny Pacquiao (@MannyPacquiao) January