The Wednesday Morning Math Challenge: Week 4
Welcome to Week 4 of the Wednesday Morning Math Challenge. This week we’re playing around with digits.
Every Wednesday during the 2016 NFL season, Baltimore Ravens guard and MIT PhD student John Urschel presents three new puzzles for the mathematically inclined.
Welcome to Week 4 of the Wednesday Morning Math Challenge. This week we’re playing around with digits.
Here you’ll find the answers to the puzzles from Week 3.
Welcome to Week 3 of the Wednesday Morning Math Challenge. This week we’re playing around with digits.
Here, you’ll find the answers to Week 2's puzzles. I hope you noticed what all of these questions had in common.
Last week we were playing around with my favorite number. This week, well ... hopefully you can figure out the common theme!
Here you'll find the answers to last week's puzzles. I hope you noticed what all of these questions had in common.
Each week I’ll give you three puzzles. What unifies every one of these problems is that each one will make you think.